Collaborative legislation process

Monkton Place Planning

Traffic and Parking - What could be done? Suggestions made by members of the community at the previous stage included more double yellow lines, a one way system through the village and speed cameras.

Open answers (2)

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    A one way system around the town would help with one side of the road for parking. The traffic calming measures throughout the town are not positioned correctly Baird Road coming into the town at the middle of the hill going onto the corner is definitely not positioned correctly. I would also say the back gate to the Spirit Aerosystems site should be in function as well as the main gate 24 hours to allow heavy goods vehicles to enter through the back gate and not through the center of the village and also allow an entrance for workers to split the traffic coming in and out and similar shift times.

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      This is very difficult as the houses in Main Street and Kilmarnock road were built before there were cars on the road and driveways are non existent the more houses built in the village the more traffic there is going through and therefore more congestion a one way system could be one way of helping the congestion but what would happen with the buses , double yellow lines would keep the roads clear but people would have no where to park their cars.

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